
Hello ! I am Shubham Mevada , a player of technology , who started playing with programing to make something useful for everyone. I started my programming journey with first 'Hello World' program in c language in 2008 , when i am in standard 8. And then i understand that programming is most powerful tool to build something better for this world. Then i started exploring more about software programming , designing , SDLC and lots more thing that can help me to build better software and things that can use by lots of people around the world. In 2011 i completed my Diploma in Mechnical Engineering (Know as D.M.E.) , by knowing engineering i learned to make things more perfect and right , now i know that engineering is all about perfection and quality of equality of products.


Due to i wants to doing something great and learn more about computer programming i join bechelor of computer application (Known as B.C.A.) in 2014 , in BCA i am learn about the theory of Computer programming , like structure of computer program , veriable , function , objects , class and lots more that can help me to understand more about computer programming.


On those days , when i am in second semester of bca , in village where i live and around all of my village there is no fast internet connection , even there is no 2G network in this area (Now days have 4G Connection) , so i started thinking on it and tell to my friends to develop web browser that can work without internet , but my friends tell me that this is not possible and i must know more about software programming to do this.


The best thing done on those days is Android. Android is new OS for mobile phones and developers can make apps for android phones. Then i desided to learn programming of android app development. In just few weeks i learn to write code for android apps and i created app for offline web browsing called ' Steed Browser ' on date 06/06/2016. On those days Steed Browser is the first auto offline browser that can store everything you surf online and then you can visit the pages offline. 

First image of Steed Browser , published on date 06/06/2016
First image of Steed Browser , published on date 06/06/2016

Steed Browser help most of students from villages , who study in city and live in village. Students can surf for required websites when they are in city and can revisit the same information after go back to home. Know i decided to make Steed Browser available for all around the world. Thanks to Google Play Store, On 26/06/2016 i launch Steed Browser for everyone, all around the world with the help of Google Play Store. And in this way my journey of app development is started , i register developer name as sdm Apps (For more information visit Official website of sdm Apps) on Google Play Store. Today sdm Apps have 8 apps (Include apps Search It, The Billion App, Test News, Simple Net, Steed Browser, Tintap, Gati Browser, NewText) available on Google Play  Store and 25000+ users from all around the world. 

sdm Apps on Google Play Store

Now days to know more about programming i am join Master of Science in Computer Application & Information Technology (Known as Msc CA & IT). I am always belive that to make world better we need to learn about technology and we must use technology to solve our real life problems. And that's why to connect with world i am started my personal page where i can shere my experience of computer programming with all around the world and i also can learn from more programmer and programming experts.

And that's really greate that i completed Master of Science in Computer Application & Information Technology (Known as Msc CA & IT) with 97.20% which is the highest in the University. After completing it i started to work with clients and make my own software developmnet firm sdm Apps. Here i work with differenct technologies and work with HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, JAVA, Dart, React.js, Framework 7, Electron.js, Material UI, ionic, bootstrap, Admin LTE, Native Android, iOS, Flutter, Laravel, MYSQL, Pouch DB, Firebase, Couch DB, AWS Lightsail and also many more ..

Today in 2025 sdm Apps working with best clients to make my vision possible and we are at sdm Apps making Enterprise resource planning Software , Billing Software, Hospital Management Software, Customer Relationship Management Software and also some customize solutions for small to large enterprises. It's greate to see dreaming becoming reality day by day and improving my skills , knowledge , understand and overall life.

 I am happy to see you here, Thank you for visiting my page.